Leaving China is not as simple as just getting on a plane and leaving anymore, many things need to be in order before we start to pack our things. You had time to do all the things you wanted so this list is not about things to do or see in China, it is about so of the things we may not think about that can cause frustration later.

Here is a list of 10 things people should be thinking about before leaving the country.

Unlink your Wechat when you cancel your cell phone
This simple task can save you so much headache later. Some people do not understand that phone numbers get cycled through very quickly in China. Within about 6 months your phone number could be given to someone else who then can use it to sign in to your WeChat account. While in China the contacts that you have acquired through business and leisure will be lost, and worse could be compromised.

Not only does your phone number have ties to your WeChat and other things such as bills or online accounts, the phone number could be tied to your passport as well.

1) Make sure to unlink you WeChat to your phone number
2) Make sure to cancel your phone number

Cancel your bank cards and Alipay account
Having extra cards that you may not use anymore is just asking for trouble. Avoid the risk of anything happening to them by making sure there is no risk at all. Unless you plan to come back on a regular basis, this is a must to make sure the loose ends are tied. If you do think that you will need to keep one, make sure the bank allows you to log in to some form of Internet banking in your home country.

3) Cancel your Bank Cards.

Alipay is something that you can always link to a new cell phone number for your account when you are back at home. If you are not planning on using Alipay anymore, cancellation is a must. A simple visit to the website can fix this. After logging on go to Service Hall (服务大厅), self service (自助服务), and then look for cancel account (注销账户).

4) Cancel your Alipay account.

Non-criminal record
You may need a report of your stay in China when you are looking for a new place of residence. If you do not have these on file in the future getting a new place of residence after you leave China can be impossible as they may need to see your original passport and tenancy agreement.

If you decide to leave China or move to another Chinese city – go to the local police station before you leave, and ask for a non-criminal record (无犯罪记录证明) for the entire stay you were in that city. Ask for a report with no gaps in the dates. If you registered at several police stations during your time of stay, you will need to go to each one to get a report. After getting your non-criminal record from the Public Security Bureau office, you must bring it to the Notary Public Office to get a notarized translation.

5) Get police records of residency and criminal background in the cities you lived.
6) Get the documents translated at the Notary Public Office.

Claim your social insurance back
If you pay social insurance at your company in China, you can get back part of your participation to the pension funds you have been contributing each month you were in employment. This may not be the case in every job since some expat companies may have solutions to this already. This should be kept in mind though if you are unsure about your company’s policies.

A reminder: The HR person in your company can surely give you some advice since these things tend to be complicated.

7) Talk to HR about some of the extra fees you have been paying for the company in china that you may be entitled to some of it back.

Translate Chinese documents that you may need at home
Since you may need to translate your record from the police department, bring other things that you may need in your home country translated. Having valuable documents translated before you go back with. Make sure that it gets done before you may really need them. Trying to do things last minute or if you are not aware of a certified notary in your home country may prove to be a mistake.

8) Make sure you have all valuable documents translated with a notary.

Get reference from your landlord and Company
It is said to be very hard to rent anywhere without references. Get a reference from your landlord in China, in case you want to rent somewhere when you get home. If you have a Chinese speaking landlord, you can always write the letter yourself and ask them to sign it.

You may want to have some sort references other than just contacts from you place of work in China. Going back to your home country and still working for the same company you may not think anything to do so. Having that reference may help with promotions and other opportunities within the company. It is always good to have it in writing about your good work.

9) Have a letter of reference from your landlord.
10) Get any letter of recommendation or references in China before you leave.

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