Not enough time to enjoy the spring outdoors in Beijing? How about inviting the charm of spring into your home? Not only do plants decorate your apartment, but also play as air purifying plants and create an environment of spring surrounding you all the time. Plants growing indoors have multiple benefits, such as to relieve tension and fill the apartment with a pleasant scent.

We selected 6 plants from the recommendation list of NASA Clean Air Study, which you can easily find on local markets and which will function efficiently to provide you fresher air.

#1 Peace Lily


Peace lily tops the NASA Clean Air Study as the most powerful air purifying plants for removing common toxins violating from the furniture and newly decorated apartments. Peace lily can be the king of air purifying plants also because of his pristine white blooms. Even keeping in the shade, it can still survive. It sounds perfect for you, right?

Against Eliminates: formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene, ammonia

How to care: indirect sunlight, slightly moist soil, water weekly

Toxic for pets

Chinese name: 白鹤芋 (Bái Hè Yù)

#2 Aloe Vera


Aloe vera can be called the queen of the air purifying plants as a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners. This easy-to-grow succulent is so clever that her leaves will display brown spots as a warning when excessive harmful chemicals expose in the air.  Aloe vera loves sunshine so that it is a smart choice to put it at a sunny window. Beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside can help heal cuts and burns.

Against Eliminates: formaldehyde, benzene

How to care: sandy soil, sun-loving, water sparingly and weekly

Toxic for pets

Chinese name:
芦荟 (Lú Hùi)

#3 Bamboo Palm


Easy elegance best describes this sturdy palm, for it flourishes and intensifies the peace at your home. If you prefer a tall plant setting on the floor, you may want to think about a bamboo palm. Normally it grows between three and six feet tall.  As it doubles as an air humidifier, it matches the dry spring in Beijing perfectly.

Against Eliminates: formaldehyde, xylene and toluene;

How to care:  moist soil, bright but indirect sunlight

Non-toxic for pets

Chinese name: 散尾葵(Sàn Wěi Kuí)

#4 Spider Plants


Spider plants are incredibly easy to survive, so everybody with a black thumb listen up! If you spend little time at home or forget your houseplants all the time: spider plant is your best choice. It will be a challenge to kill this resilient plant. The rich foliage and tiny white flowers on it fight the toxins efficiently.

Against Eliminates: formaldehyde, xylene and toluene, ammonia

How to care: cool-to-average temperatures, dry to moist soil, indirect sunlight

Non-toxic for pets

Chinese name:
吊兰 (Diào Lán)

#5 Golden Pothos


Golden pothos is a fast-growing air filtering plant. After a week, you will be amazed by a cascade of green from a hanging basket. A nickname, devil’s ivy, appreciates its survivability, because it maintains green even if grown in the dark. Golden pothos is also suitable in garages against formaldehyde exhaust from cars.

Against Eliminates: formaldehyde, benzene, xylene and toluene

How to care: moist soil, bright but indirect sunlight, water weekly

Toxic for pets

Chinese name:
金绿萝 (Jīn Lǜ Luó)

#6 English Ivy


English ivy grows so fast that the National Park Service called it “an aggressive invader”. It is up to you to hang it in high gear or let it perch on the floor. English ivy is a Jack of all trades since it functions great on removing allergens such as mould and animal faeces and filtering out formaldehyde found in some household cleaning products.

Against Eliminates: formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene, ammonia

How to care: moist soil, low-light, water weekly

Toxic for pets

Chinese name:
常春藤 (Cháng Qīng Téng)

Where to buy

We recommend you three places where to buy your favourite household plants:

Chaolaichun Flower Market

Beiyuan Donglu (east side of Qingnian Cheng), Chaoyang District
朝阳区北苑东路 (青年城东侧)
Tel: +86 10 8491 0105

Laitai Flower Market

No.9, Maizidian West Road, Chaoyang District
Tel: 400 690 7520

Liangmahe Flower Market

No. Yi 8, North Road of East 3rd Ring, Chaoyang District
Tel: +86 10 6504 2446

It is not challenging to find greenery and nature around you, if you bring some of the air purifying plants back home.


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